This article presents evidence of a cause for addiction that isn't typically validated as being fundamental where we tend to focus on the symptoms of addictions, such as drug abuse and other addictive, compulsive and repetitive behaviors such as are associated with gambling, nail biting, hair twirling, eating, sex, and a slew of other creative expressions rather than focus on a cure.
Metaphysically, it appears that we're inclined to become attracted or attached to whatever gives us immediate gratification when we are subject to limited opportunities to engage with each other and/or with our inherent passions. This precept is rooted in the premise that energy vibration is flowing to achieve balance or wholeness, similar to how water flows to balance when spilled. I believe that fulfillment, gratification, joy, love, etc. are found in the engagements between us. In a manner of speaking, we're the conduits of the love that flows. When we tap into it, what we traditionally call "addictions" tend to drop off by default, another spot where love heals. The healing is the allowing of the flow of love through us, rather than being at the effect of a restricted/resisted flow of love that causes dis-ease. Thanks for the opportunity to look and remember. Namaste,
Joe Simmons
Metaphysical Visionary |
Posted by Joe Simmons on Thursday, July 2, 2015
"This article explains addiction and shines a very important factor lying to and away from addiction. That is obtaining a healthy social structure. We recognize it as a support circle or revaluation of what we choose to be in our surroundings. We need to be social, yes, but we need to know what 'home' is to our selves. 'Home' is a place that reflects all good traits of yourself, reminds you of who you are, and reminds you of all of your potential. HOME drives you places you thought you'd never go independently.' Home for me is the nursing field and the horses. These two places give me simple silent reminders of my essence in its purity. Validation is found here. Extraordinary." ~ Michelle Ellerd
"...if we just taught young boys that rape isn't an option..." ~ Anna Akana
"There are some things in the world we can't change - gravity, entropy, the speed of light..." ~ David Suzuki
The experiences or perceived circumstances serve to remind us about what we desire or about our purpose. They give us a radar screen, albeit of limited sight, to elect goals and conjure structures for fulfillment. We choose goals in order to set us onto paths that are most likely to give us particular experiences that we desire. The structures for fulfillment give us the tools and a playground on which we place the paths to get there. Let’s try on that we are organically one with all things that exist, animate or not, and that each part of us is alive and conscious, including the rocks and air of us. From there we can surmise that we are all one system working together perfectly despite our ability/inability to perceive it, all things are flowing to balance as we wish, remembering that we desire/"need" the movement in order to feel it. The "it" is the love that we are. We can't feel it in stillness. Notice how semantics can creep in with that idea. Keep in mind that thoughts count. Thoughts are included in the category of "things" and silence is a space in which we allow thoughts to flow in. The purpose of words is to have us look in a direction. We may use them to move forward in the exploration, rather than to allow them to stop us in our tracks. That said, we've conjured all these contexts as playgrounds to have experiences. The ultimate goal, however way we disguise it, is to feel love, in my opinion, and I invite us to try it on like a coat. We are "born" in the pursuit to feel and realize the love that we are, and we have inherent human-centric perspectives about how that should look or happen. Being inherently human-centric, our primary reference is the significance that we are predisposed to place on the human form. It is our primary platform for comparison. With that, we have all these opinions, rules and whatever else we conjure to keep the game/contrasts/conflicts available, which perpetuate an environment of flowing to balance. We like it because we feel the love in the movement. Think emotion, the space of feeling (present participle, e.g. form of verb, happening in the now, action, movement, motion, to move). We feel via emotion. That is where and how we feel the love. Therefore, we intend the imbalance so that there is always movement to balance. Think water flowing. Corrupt corporations, government, etc. are real entities, albeit "fictions" in our experience, and we (the individuals) give them life by the attention we feed them. They are real (distinct from "true') as they come into our experience by the thoughts, contexts, consequences etc. that they represent that help to trigger experiences. We rely on the contexts that they bring to give us comparisons to something we desire to experience. We (all the parts of us) are in partnership. Thank you. Think gratitude. Love flows there. Conflicts are cracks through which love flows. We are conduits to the flow. We either allow the love to flow through us, or we don't. To communicate the idea, let's say we use "corruption" to recognize the things that are not corruption and to help us to identify what we desire. In this space of endeavor, let's say we desire to be well, healthy and to feel love. The Earth of us is included in the We. We use plural forms of words (and sometimes third party references) to recognize that the one that we are is made of unique parts, as is the human body microcosm. Still, we remember that we are all one and accountable for the well being of each part. It helps to know from where we start, to know the substance of the platform/foundation/playground in order to pursue what we desire and we do not need to dwell on it. For example, if we are using a cane to move forward, we need to know whether the floor is sand. Then we may build a suitable cane so that we are able to move forward more easily. We remember that we give life to what we think about and entertain most often. According to the Law of Attraction, whatever is present in the moment will expand. Therefore, we can surmise that we have an opportunity to choose what we are placing into existence (including thoughts) that we wish to have expanded. It appears that we choose love. Earth Day is an opportunity to love ourselves. The practice, according to the Law of Attraction will attract more love, which is exactly what we want. By creating an Earth Day and even the distinction of us that we call the Earth, we’ve conjured a context that we feel gives us permission to be loving, openly, and to cause love in a way that more of us might recognize, accept and embrace in a sitting. It’s a way we plant seeds of love to cause more of it. That’s my opinion. Thank you for the opportunity to look and remember. Lovingly Namaste, Joe Simmons
Metaphysical Visionary "How do you counter such facts?" ~Jerry Villano
"We recognize The Ten Commandments. They are not the Ten Commands. They are neither the Ten Demands nor The Ten Demandments...." Invitation: In the explorations that we pursue together, I invite us to try on the precepts like a coat and see how it looks and feels. We might have to move around a bit to get the feel of it. Likewise, there is an opportunity to look at it in the mirror and notice how it becomes us. In the exploration, we consider the following as if it were true, whether or not it is. Thank you for joining me to consider a perspective on The Ten Commandments. Many believe that there are more than ten commandments. This article is not an exploration about the quantity of the commandments. Rather, this is an exploration into the substance, character and purpose of the list, regardless of the number of commandments it contains and regardless of the particular content of each commandment. This article is about the purpose and benefits of having the list. Thank you for joining me to consider the following. By definition, there is no loving God figure or genuine divinely guided person or other manifestation that will condemn, punish, ridicule or judge anything. Likewise, one will not demand anything. Love does not demand, control, manipulate, threaten nor cajole. Divine love occurs unconditionally. That means without judgement and without exception. Imagine that all genuinely divinable communications are tools to guide us and prompt us to remember who and what we are - to awaken our divine consciousness and experience our greatness that comes with it. Divine Love occurs unconditionally only. In that, it dwells one way only. It provides a space that allows free being, lovingly and forgivingly. It provides a venue for acceptance, peace, joy, wellness and celebration to occur. The space includes abundance and an acknowledgment and experience that all is perfectly well. That is all it does. That said, we continue with a semantic and ontological exploration of The Ten Commandments. We recognize The Ten Commandments. They are not the Ten Commands. They are neither the Ten Demands nor The Ten Demandments. To command is to cause a reaction or by-product. In this respect, we do not command anything to act as if by demand. To command does not equal to demand. Rather when we command or when we are commanding, we are causing enrollment such that the people and things around us align, make choices or become a certain way because of their experience of our being. We do not command like a demand. Rather, our way of being precipitates or catalyzes a becoming. Therefore commanding is actually causing a form of natural selection or enrollment that is motivated by how we are being when we engage. Our mode of operating in the world commands or causes an alignment of consequences. We cause particular enrollments and conditions to prevail. That is the commanding, the causing of the thing. We cause things by whom and what we are in the matter of anything. This is the Law of Attraction. Therefore, the commandments are the things or the conditions that we manifest by who we are or by how we are being. We evolve commandments into being. They include certain prevailing natural inclinations, which I hypothesize, includes the checklist of precipitated inclinations, which we call The Ten Commandments. In other words, The Ten Commandments are a list of desired symptoms or outcomes intended to remind us to be a way that precipitates them. Therefore, we present the commandments to ourselves as a reference or meter to determine our condition, our status as loving beings. The Ten Commandments serve as a gauge to see how we are doing - to notice what we are producing. They are not a list of things to do like rules. They are not demands. They are a list of ideal results, which we can obtain by operating and engaging with divine love. Likewise, The Ten Commandments are a list of symptoms that are present when we are true, when we have balance, when we access and feel the love that we are. Perhaps the Ten Commandments are to what we aspire in the game of life for the joy of it. Perhaps this is true. Thanks for the opportunity to look. Please join me in the celebration of what is available. Life is good, rich, and spicy. ♥ Click here for a discussion that reframes The Ten Commandments to read as The Ten Freedoms.
These are posts that were inspired from conversations. Please share what comes up for you! Namaste!
The Author"If we believed that we are one organically, how might things change?" .
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