the_wizard_of_oz.pdf |
"Follow the yellow brick road!" "The Wizard of Oz was an allegory for the condition of America in the 1930’s following the stock market crash of and factual bankruptcy of the United States Government." Follow the yellow brick road meant, "follow the gold."
My dear friend Reena Ghose shares her thoughts for the day on Facebook. Here's Reena's thought for the day...
was asked to donate the car for a fund raiser. I thought I might and pondered, "It's not original," and wondered how much it might bring. To leave the area, I had to exit through the basement of an old abandoned-looking building. The building was small with small spaces. It was dark, dusty and musty with spider webs and such. I saw light and looked up to see I had to squeeze through tight spaces to get to the roof where I'd be able to exit. Maybe the experiences, circumstances and conditions leading to that moment and the building represent the seeds, dirt and darkness. There was no distinguishable stairway. I saw a narrow open space that appeared to lead to the next level and realized I had to climb up sideways to get to the roof. It looked tight and I thought, "It looks like my head might not fit through there." Then I thought, "Well, it should fit as long as my head is average size because, apparently, other people have exited this way with their heads attached." Sure enough, I squeezed through sideways with my head and body. I was standing on the roof and looked around. I saw what appeared to be signs of struggle and poverty about the land. A man on the ground asked for assistance, I believe for food. I offered to help "when I get off the roof". I looked around and thought, "How will I get off this roof?" I was on the edge and woke up, when it occurred to me that I might have to jump off... with a leap of faith. ♥ Lovingly Namaste, Joe Simmons
Metaphysical Visionary The following Facebook status and comment inspired this post. Thank you for the opportunity to look and remember....
Thank you for your attention to consider this with me. Perhaps to be subservient or submissive does not equal to be weak and dependent. Independence (being the source of and being accountable for the love that we are) and strength give us the freedom to allow whatever is in Love and be whole or holy in it, because we are faithful and confident to know that we are One and that all is well and perfect. We are at a point of consciousness where we identify ourselves with the bodies. Maybe we're off. Perhaps the forms of us, e.g. men, women, dogs, cats, etc. are reflections, manifestations and aspects of our higher ethereal being - our wonderful flavors of light. The contexts of strong and weak are primitive labels of the fleshly physical experience. Maybe we're all opinionated chocolaty chocolate chocolates. Let's try this on. In the context of the scriptures, to be weak means to be "allowing" and ready to serve Christly for Christian pursuits – an undertaking that takes more strength and independence than any other endeavor. The women of us are the backbone and the pinnacles of our experience and reminders that we are love and loved. Without which, we are lost and nothing. So, thank you! Lovingly Namaste, Joe Simmons
Metaphysical Visionary & Speaker Get a taste of the conversations you'll have with your metaphysical life coach. Join us in a discussion about the nature of life, including the purpose and tools we've put in place to live it fully to realize the spiciness and richness of it all. We acknowledge the metaphysical parts of us that have the most critical effect on the quality of our lives. The Purpose of Life... It is revealed. The secret is out about the purpose of life. There's no mystery in it except by the ego to conjure "mystery" to distract us from remembering who we are. The most fundamental precept to our being and purpose is that we are One, organically, indeed --intentionally individuated (manifested "separately" into an experience of the physical, flesh) to be in a playing field to remember (re-member) who and what we are. We are Love. It's a game we elect. Love is all there is. All else is an illusion, resistence to Love/Source/God/Universal energy... As creators, we designed the resistance in it to provide contrast needed to distinguish/identify/experience the Love that we are. Without contrast, we can't know. To experience the greatness of Light, we need darkness. To experience joy we must have sadness, resignation, anger, anxiety, etc... the opposites, in order to recognize and experience the joy that is Love. We need a comparison.... relativity. It's how conflicts are cracks through which Love flows. Lovingly Namaste, Joe Simmons Metaphysical Life Coach & Public Speaker |
These are posts that were inspired from conversations. Please share what comes up for you! Namaste!
The Author"If we believed that we are one organically, how might things change?" .
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