Get a taste of the conversations you'll have with your metaphysical life coach. Join us in a discussion about the nature of life, including the purpose and tools we've put in place to live it fully to realize the spiciness and richness of it all. We acknowledge the metaphysical parts of us that have the most critical effect on the quality of our lives.
It is revealed. The secret is out about the purpose of life. There's no mystery in it except by the ego to conjure "mystery" to distract us from remembering who we are.
The most fundamental precept to our being and purpose is that we are One, organically, indeed --intentionally individuated (manifested "separately" into an experience of the physical, flesh) to be in a playing field to remember (re-member) who and what we are. We are Love.
It's a game we elect. Love is all there is. All else is an illusion, resistence to Love/Source/God/Universal energy...
As creators, we designed the resistance in it to provide contrast needed to distinguish/identify/experience the Love that we are. Without contrast, we can't know.
To experience the greatness of Light, we need darkness. To experience joy we must have sadness, resignation, anger, anxiety, etc... the opposites, in order to recognize and experience the joy that is Love. We need a comparison.... relativity.
It's how conflicts are cracks through which Love flows.
Lovingly Namaste,
Metaphysical Life Coach & Public Speaker