Here's a perspective to try on like a coat. Why not? We start to understand the entire notion and context of abortion by realizing that we're spiritual beings having a physical experience. That doesn't mean that we are spiritual beings who have temporarily become physical for a while by being born. It means that the physicality is a state of interpretation of conscious energy vibration that is us and that are the parts of us that give us a particular experience. That might sound strange. Please bear with me. Maybe, we remain the spiritual (conscious energy vibration) substance and the experience of a physical life is an illusion. There is no real death, no real murdering. We exist eternally, "unkillable". The murdering, dying, etc., are just contexts that we've conjured in this state to keep the drama going. Why do we keep the drama going? We keep the drama going because of a particular experience that we desire that the illusion of life helps to provide. The particular experience that we desire is to feel the love that we are, as we flow to balance. So, why do we have those things that seem to contradict love? Because, we also know that in order to experience a thing, we must be able to compare it to something else in order for it to come into our experience, or in order for us to notice it. Go ahead. Try to notice anything without the things around it that are not it. There is always a comparison. We need those things that appear contrary to love in order to notice the love. So, here we are feeling love by having compassion for the "lives" that are "taken". It's a perfect science. All of it is intended, divine and perfect. Thanks for the opportunity to look and remember. Lovingly Namaste, Joe Simmons Metaphysical Visionary | Post by Right Wing News. |
"How do you counter such facts?" ~Jerry Villano
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The Author"If we believed that we are one organically, how might things change?" .
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