"This is a big one in spiritual circles I find. The claiming that we are creators of our reality. This is not quite the case. Let's be clear and authentic. We are co-creators. The life force that powers all is the actual creative force. We've been designed such that our thoughts mold our experience. So we co-create with this force. But not one of us has recollection of creating the physical universe on our own . Stop taking credit for what is not yours. Have a humbling of your heart and mind. Recognize what is here and has been here without your help. Tell the truth to yourself and you will be more in awe than ever of this whole life experience" ~Siobhan Ciresi |
Thank you for sharing this, Siobhan. I'd like to concur and propose an answer to the question in the illustration, "If human consciousness creates the physical reality, how is it that the Earth and the Physical Universe (were) here before human beings existed?" Stepping back, or looking at a bigger picture we can surmise that the Earth and the Physical Universe were here before human beings were on the planet because the experience of human being is just a spec of all experiences we (the One) have that appears to be physical. Imagine the possibility that there is no true physical plane. There are only energy vibrations and interpretations of the energy vibrations. Now imagine that each interpretation, also known as a thought, which in and of itself is a creation, sets off whole new worlds and infinite realities, while each thought creates new thoughts each reflecting off another. Additionally, let's consider that time and space are illusions of the physical domain and that, therefore, there are no true before and after, then and now. There are only now and the stories we attach to it in the experience of human being. This idea presupposes, additionally, that the notion of there being a beginning of it all, such that an ultimate (separate) force or supreme creator outside of our collective self was the original creator of something within which we exist, is a human-centric perspective as there is no ultimate beginning or end of existence. Along these lines, rather, there are only conditions of is-ness that are in a perpetual state of becoming. See "The Phenomena of the Physical Plains" for an attempt to describe how the physical plane is a product of interpreting energy vibrations. We interpret and create at every spot of us. That's a lot of spots, given that we exist infinitely inward and outward ad infinitum. Now, imagine that every spot is at the center of it all, as it must be since we exit inward and outward ad infinitum. This is an indication that we (the One) are all at the center of it all and that we are individually and collectively the co-creators of it all. It's also an indication that we co-dwell and co-create in spaces of infinite worlds. Regarding our ability to create and whether or not we create or have created anything is not contingent upon whether we can recall doing it, or whether we are conscious about it during the physical experience or at any time. | We tend to be inherently distracted by the physical experience, albeit by design. Typically, in the physical experience, we are not aware of what we create because we are somewhat blind about the Universal powers and tools. That's what's changing, transforming as we transcend or become more conscious. It's a part of our waking up - knowing what we are creating and learning to create intentionally in our spot of being and realizing that our creations effect all other creations. Regarding claiming credit for reality, the good news is that there is no need to claim credit for anything other than to claim accountability for our actions/thoughts/intentions, also known as creations in the space we "stand" because our creations effect other creations whether or not we are aware of it. This is a way we co-create. This discussion entails and encompasses distinctions that are not necessarily apparent on the surface, however, are fodder for other metaphysical discussions. Click here for "The Phenomena of the Physical Plains" Thanks for your partnership in the exploration. Namaste ♥ |