Hello Folks, Thanks for reading this blog post. Firstly, I have to acknowledge that the title of the this blog is almost an oxymoron because "human-centrically" is the only way that we can perceive anything. The image below is a screen shot of a Facebook picture shared by 11:11 Awakening Code. According to the sharer, the graph represents galactic wave movement. The sharer states, "This is what's in store for the Human Race after October 28th, 2011 and into 2012. It is the end of Wave Movements or the gradual settling of an advanced sustainable 'Garden of Eden'. Thank YOU Mayan Calendar!! It all makes sense Now!" For the purpose of this blog post, let's give us (the humans) the benefit of the doubt and give ourselves something about which to celebrate. We deserve it. Life is a conversation, anyway. It's all made up. |
"As implied in many traditional religious descriptions of our origins, 'God created the Heaven and Earth' as two distinct, yet related, realms of experience. The texts go on to describe humankind as a bridge between the two realms, a marriage between Heaven (spirit or soul) and Earth. "'He (humankind) unites both heavenly and earthly qualities within himself...I (God) will create man to be the union of the two...' Through our lives, the qualities of the two realms are merging into a single existence. At the end of our lives, the Heaven and Earth that have merged as our bodies return to their respective abodes. Our bodies return to the dust of the earth, while our souls and Heaven are already one. This perspective of life and death offers a tangible sense of why the experience of death does not mean an end to our existence. The hidden number code assures us that it is so." ~ The God Code, page 96, Gregg Braden |
This galactic observation, below, which appears to be support of a broad spectrum Ascension that is coming, is a wonderful example that critical mass of awareness is not limited to the conscious awareness of the human-being parts of us who dwell on the spec of us called Earth. In other words, we (the individuated parts of us called humans) are so tiny; therefore, how could we think that a critical mass of a tiny piece of our infinite existence could be all upon which we have to rely in order reach a critical mass of awareness that would bring Ascension, which (I hope) includes a personal awareness that we are organically One?