Dear Women The male and female parts of us are partners in co-creating the experiences. The label "apology" applies to a context of abuse that we've conjured to gain access to experiences that we desire, which are available in the fantasy and contrasts of the physical domains. The experience we pursue is love - remembering and feeling that we are love. It is only in the remembering that we can experience it. The conflicts provide the points of access and are cracks through which love flows. We are not separately men and women. We are one, with various aspects which we've labeled. The male and female aspects of us are equally accountable for all of it, and we co-create the contexts and conflicts in partnership to remember that we are one and love. Therefore, when we apologize and/or love anyone, we accept and love ourselves.Thank you for the opportunity to look and remember. Lovingly Namaste, Joe ♥ |